In early January, I stumbled across a blog post on Mind Body Green about a 12 month challenge for 2015. Detoxing, more water, budget Farmer's market trips, etc. After the failure of 2014, I felt like this was a great list to go from, and shared said blog on my twitter. The author, Phoebe Lapine, DM'd me about an opportunity to join a guinea pig group for a project she's working on...and my dedication to self wellness and awareness kicked off.
It was January 2nd, and I already had plans for the entire weekend that mostly included drinking. So I decided to jump ahead to the next month and rework completely cutting out 3 amazing vices at a later date. That meant I got to start with #MakeupFreeMonday.
January 5th |
I have always been very self-conscience of my skin. Since the 4th-ish grade, I've had acne/zits, a form of rosacea, oily/dry skin, etc. Even now, still being fairly active, I deal with larger than normal pores and all the things I just listed. I wear a thicker foundation that evens me out just about 7 days a week. But if I want to really get to know myself, shouldn't I stop hiding behind my Clarins?
January 12th - giant zit in middle of forehead |
In short, yes. To get some courage, I used the Clarins skin brightener (a very light moisturizer for added glow) and a light pink lip gloss. To add some more fun and due in major part to my eye issues, I wore my broken glasses.
January 19th |
What I learned: I need more sleep. And I need to get a better handle on my skin. I know there are days where I need to throw my mask on (meetings with clients and C-suite), and days where a little brightener and gloss, maybe a little mascara, are all I need. But I am pretty without the layers and I feel more confident knowing I can still do the job without the cosmetics.
January 26th |
To continue growing, I decided on a slightly more drastic measure to end my month. I want 2015 to be a big year all around, and these are the first steps I'm taking. There's a lot more to be had (and blogging more regularly with a good computer is one of them!) and I look forward to sharing my trials and tribulations with the interweb universe. Feel free to comment and let me know if you've participated in make-up free Monday. Also, check out Phoebe on her website -