Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Wellness Project

In early January, I stumbled across a blog post on Mind Body Green about a 12 month challenge for 2015. Detoxing, more water, budget Farmer's market trips, etc. After the failure of 2014, I felt like this was a great list to go from, and shared said blog on my twitter. The author, Phoebe Lapine, DM'd me about an opportunity to join a guinea pig group for a project she's working on...and my dedication to self wellness and awareness kicked off.

It was January 2nd, and I already had plans for the entire weekend that mostly included drinking. So I decided to jump ahead to the next month and rework completely cutting out 3 amazing vices at a later date. That meant I got to start with #MakeupFreeMonday. 
January 5th
I have always been very self-conscience of my skin. Since the 4th-ish grade, I've had acne/zits, a form of rosacea, oily/dry skin, etc. Even now, still being fairly active, I deal with larger than normal pores and all the things I just listed. I wear a thicker foundation that evens me out just about 7 days a week. But if I want to really get to know myself, shouldn't I stop hiding behind my Clarins?

January 12th - giant zit in middle of forehead
In short, yes. To get some courage, I used the Clarins skin brightener (a very light moisturizer for added glow) and a light pink lip gloss. To add some more fun and due in major part to my eye issues, I wore my broken glasses. 
January 19th
What I learned: I need more sleep. And I need to get a better handle on my skin. I know there are days where I need to throw my mask on (meetings with clients and C-suite), and days where a little brightener and gloss, maybe a little mascara, are all I need. But I am pretty without the layers and I  feel more confident knowing I can still do the job without the cosmetics. 
January 26th
To continue growing, I decided on a slightly more drastic measure to end my month. I want 2015 to be a big year all around, and these are the first steps I'm taking. There's a lot more to be had (and blogging more regularly with a good computer is one of them!) and I look forward to sharing my trials and tribulations with the interweb universe. Feel free to comment and let me know if you've participated in make-up free Monday. Also, check out Phoebe on her website -

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

To Starting Over in 2015

On roadtrip in OR, Aug 2014, photo taken by Terri Shadle
I let myself go. Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. For various reasons with multiple explanations and excuses, I was unfair to myself and to people around me. Even now, 13 days in to the new year, I haven't done justice to all the resolutions I spouted off to the hubs and friends...but that's alright. And do you know why that's alright?

Tomorrow is always a new day to make a fresh start.

So here is what I'm going to do.

1. Physically. When I say I let myself go, I mean I've gained 15lbs I really don't want. I was doing a great boot camp for a few weeks right during the holidays. It sort of helped, but I let bad food and really enjoying alcoholic beverages derail me. So I plan to:
  • Go beyond running and soccer: get back into the gym (at work) for weights and add back my early morning video routines (Brazilian bum bum here I come!)
  • Get more sleep! The only way I'm waking up is if I can actually fall asleep
  • Cut the crap: eating out is a big deal for me. Less sugar, sodium and processed foods, and more getting creative with my lunches
2. Mentally.  I burned myself out with work. I am not finding joy like I used to and it's making me complacent and less creative. I don't want to be bored with what I'm doing. I want to be a productive member of the team...not dead weight. I will:
  • Re-evaluate what I do. I keep thinking I'd do better as a PM, but I don't know what that entails. Actually research it.
  • Take courses. When I get depressed, I read crappy romance novels. I should put time into something that will challenge me, not piss me off.
  • Write more. This blog is an outlet and I thoroughly enjoy writing. I should create more and get myself back on track
3. Emotionally. This is a bit more private, but the bottom line is I got depressed and made a lot of excuses.
  • Stop making excuses. For myself. For others. Take accountability for what I'm doing and don't let it rule my life.
  • Listen to my gut. Once I get all the smart foods in it, she should lead me back on track.
4. Financially. Student loans, credit card debt, living beyond my means. I never thought I would have to deal with all 3 at once because I was smug and thought I was smarter than that. Sadly, my emotional being and excuses took over my life last year, and now I need to regroup.
  • Get control of what I'm spending. Stop eating out. Stop buying things I don't need. Stop pretending I have the money to play when I don't. Sounds easy, but I can be weak. No excuses!
  • Get back on track with the hubs. We've both been bad and non-communicative here and we both need to set boundaries and regroup.
2015 is my year to refresh. To purge the toxins in my life and take control of things I've let get out of hand. I want to write and share more, clean up my act and celebrate the journey along the way. There are so many things in life I'm grateful for which is why I've come to the conclusion I need to to do better. And I plan to do that...first thing tomorrow.

A Drunk Experience of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (a review)

Preface: This post is extremely biased. And long. I have never read "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" nor do I  desire to do so. T...