Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Do We Care?

"Kendal is no longer in a relationship"

It's not true - but I could post it on various social media sites. I could technically end my relationship with my boyfriend of 4+ years in a matter of moments. We don't need to talk...I can just update my facebook status. He'll see it. All our mutual contacts would see it. It'd be messy and public but in the end, would still suck. But hey, at least all 356 people would know. It's not as cruel as tweeting it, right? ....

We have become a society so self-involved that making sure we do the added step of pouring salt into the wound has become a necessity of stating publically our independence. Cruelly, we've lost control of respect and an old fashioned ettiquete of self restraint that makes it nearly impossible to succumb to. We do it because others do it. We post because they post because we post. We've started a vivious cycle that will probably only evolve into an even more touchy feely senstive subject that I'll be dealing with into my 70's. I must say I'm not looking forward to posting things such as "Kendal is widowed" or "Kendal is on her death bed". I can only hope that I do to my facebook what I did to my myspace what I did to my friendster and opendiary...get the hell out and actually call my friends and relatives!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesdays and Thursdays revisited.

Okay. Maybe I was a little too ambitious with my twice weekly writing experiment. I should write when it naturally comes to me. Like when I wrote down lyrics at 11:30pm on a school night about what should happen to my body when I die. Seriously. It is entirely possibly I ripped these lyrics off from an old Irish ballad - but hey, the mind wants what it wants. And, like I mentioned earlier, I miss just being creative.

I've been pretty busy with life lately. My boyfriend is going back for his MBA starting next week and I'm trying to get as much "us" time as possible. I've already been informed by him that this is going to consume a large majority of his life for the next 2+ years and that I should be prepared with all that entails (i.e - him being a crabby, pain in the you know what while I attempt to get the reassurance I need as a girlfriend on his one free day - Saturday). We live together and have been in coupledom since March 2006. But we both have pretty strong personalities (stubborn) and sometimes forget that the other has feelings and needs...

We'll see how it goes.

I managed to take the boot camp awesomeness I experienced in July with weight loss and added energy and drown it in a month plus of wine and cake consumption. So with last night's first soccer game of the season, I will be attempting to work out 5 days a week again. I have problems waking up first thing in the morning and my evenings are taken up with boyfriend time. However, muscle tone and stamina have just become a top priority again. Wish me luck.

My next topic will be on my search for an MBA program I want to attend and how I'll manage to take the GRE's and pass :-)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesdays and Fridays

I need to write. It's an outlet that I love but have managed to surpress due to work, girlfriend duties, and any other time consuming habit that gets in my way. Ideally, I wouldn't write this during work (i.e. now) but rather before or after. Ideally. Lunch is good to write though, right? Right.

The goal is twice a week on something not dumb. We'll see how it goes. I'm keeping up another blog at that you should check out if you randomly come across this. It's about my upcoming trip to England with two of my book club friends. I think it's interesting...but mostly because I'm writing it.

Alright, work time! Woot!

Monday, May 10, 2010

My heart hurts

Last year I worked for a dying construction and electrical company not knowing it's economic woes. I had been unemployed for the first time in my life and felt a desperation to have a job - any job - no matter what. So what if it was 45 minutes away in traffic at $12 an hour? So what if they didn't want to give overtime or health benefits? I needed it. They made me feel like another opportunity wouldn't come around and so I grabbed at it with all my might.

The first shock was when we were told we probably wouldn't get our paycheck on time. A day or so wasn't a big deal, I guessed. Last year was hard on everybody, I knew. So when the April 1st check came on the 2nd and the April 15th check on the 16th or 17th I was ok. But when the May 1st check never came...I was a little upset. Oh my employer talked a great game - it was the bank's fault. He was going to throw in his retirement to save the company (which would be a $20,000 loss to him, he would tell us in a desperate tone) but the bank refused, or wouldn't call him back, or would tell him the money was coming. And then the speech on May 13th, 2009 - how he was glad we were still there and how he wasn't giving up. He would get the money to pay us. He could have a better job, was asked to work for a company where he could be making so much money - but wanted this instead. Tomorrow he would pay us.

It's May 10th, 2010 and I have not recieved a dime of the $2400 he owes me. I've gone through Labor and Industries thinking this is the right way, the most appropriate way. I don't want more than what I'm owed...just the $12 an hour from pay periods April 11-24th, 25th - May 10th and May 11th - May 20th. Sure he messed with my unemployment claim - reporting to them I quit when he told me he would say it was a lay off. Four months of receiving letters stating "we may have overpaid you $1849.63 - please report why you feel we did not overpay." I had stress spots, anxiety, and tears. I have debt with a 16.9% interest rate. I would like to take that entire check and shove it straight at my CC - cutting it in would think a year would be enough time.

L&I has over 1000 claims dating to 2009, I was told today. Because my claim didn't reach collections until March 25th, it is towards the bottom of the stack. I made my first L&I claim in July 2009. It took that long to process, inspect, approve, contact and file. They have 1 person handling the wage cases. How the hell is this an effecient system?

I'm tired. I'm tired of the stress of not having great credit and owing my cc, my dad and my boyfriend money a year later. I'm tired of being told one date by L&I reps and then another date. It is entirely possible this man can file for bankruptsy between now and whenever they can get to my claim and I'd have to start all over again because L&I has no authority over bankruptsy claims.

Who do I contact - my local government? - to suggest instead of cutting L&I employees, add them. There seem to be a lot of scumbag bosses who would prefer volunteers and think they can skip out on paying. I know there are a lot who went in over their heads...but the parting words from my former employer was to find a company that can babysit me and cater to my needs. He then went on to screw with my unemployment claim and tell them he had no knowledge of me working there as long as I did because it wasn't in the records. No, there need to be more agents in collections...people like him should be made to pay - all 8 of us - in full.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Friday

For the first time in a long time, I'm writing lyrics again. Not happy lyrics, of course...but lyrics. It's a nice change.

Someone suggested I start blogging more about shows and cd's. I may just try that.

There will be fireworks in Seattle this year for the 4th of July...just goes to show the strength of local media and the passion of the masses - even in these economic times.

I'm going to the Sounders game tomorrow night and it's supposed to rain :-( I'll be needing a lot of hot cocoa and a garbage bag.

Our admin assistant put together a large Easter basket full of candy. I've already consumed a round Reese's peanut butter Easter egg and a flat Snicker's Easter egg. Oh marketing to consumers odd beliefs of Christianity. Explain how the death and ressurection of Christ and Bunnies and Peeps can be mixed together.

I'm not knocking it...I'm just saying - we live in an interesting world.

I love Beeker - http://

Monday, March 29, 2010

Some Things I'll Never Understand

By nature, I'm competitive. I like to win, I hate to lose, and I will pout to get my way. I have my beliefs, I'll argue in favor of my beliefs, but I must admit I do like arguing in general. This is about as far as I can go. Whether or not you believe what I believe, right or wrong, I will not be taking you to the parking lot to "show you" the truth by a physical fight. I will not attack you, your family, your friends, your pets, relatives twice removed...just because you don't agree with my beliefs does not make you and all whom you associate with bad or evil. Even if what you say offends me (because that's another weakness I have, easily offended), I know there are some fights I really can't win - no matter how hard I argue and pout. So, can someone please explain to me how an Islamic extremist can get on a train and kill 39 people they don't know? And even further from my mind - a woman. As a female, I know that I can do anything a guy can do - work, play sports, hold intelligent conversations, etc. Does not mean I want to do EVERYTHING they can do. I would assume a more maternal instict would prevent this. But apparently suicide bomber is a position open to all.

I like what I believe in - but not to the point I would kill others to serve my message. How can a religion promote this? Say what you will about Christianity - but when two of our main rules are Thou Shall Not Kill and Thou Shall Not Make Wrongful Use of the Name God (such as killing in the name of God...I know, I know, history has shown differently people's misuse of the name God - maybe they missed that CCD class?) you'd like to think that a positive message could be found in all religions and people would promote that. Why is acceptance such a hard thing - or maybe not even as far as acceptance, but a tolerance. I'm simplifying it, I know. There are things in this world performed today based on religions that still hold many as slaves...but still, I will never understand killing in the name of God.

Monday, February 22, 2010

If you're winning by 10...

I've been playing soccer since I was 5 years old. The teams I've been on have ranged from the good, the bad, and the ugly. My Sunday night team plays in a C league that's a little too good for us (this is an ugly). We consistently lose by 5 or more goals and have decided it would be in our best interest to move down a league. Which is great for next season....but does not help our current situation.

My advice - you're an awesome team and you know it (because you're winning by at least 6 in the first half). It is not necessary to show boat. Especially at 10:10pm on Sunday night when I need to go into work early the next morning. So, if you're the goalie and you take the ball yourself in the 2nd half when you're winning by 10 and have the audacity to swagger up to me like a not be surprised when my leg makes contact with your in step. Intentionally. Also, you'll know you're a dog if the referee overlooks my obvious foul. Even he knows you're a prat. As well as your team mates....

In conclusion, if you're winning by 10, show some class. It's a somewhat lost art - but if you're that good, you should get some.


Friday, February 19, 2010

An interesting start and Back from Bogota

Like Thumper said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

This may be why I didn't write anything for close to a year in this blog. Or possibly because I forgot. Either way, writing a blog, take 2.

I have just recently returned back to Seattle from a week long trip to Bogota', Colombia. The Spanish architecture combined with the beautiful countryside made it an amazing adventure with a lot to see and take in. Getting past the obvious stereotypes - i.e, I wasn't kidnapped, I didn't bring home any coke, the chocolate covered coffee beans were awesome - Bogota is still somewhat recovering from an awful past painted with drugs and violence. However, they are trying (with a lot of success) to overcome this image and bring in tourism. The people in Bogota were wonderful and very helpful. My boyfriend is 100% Colombian and speaks no Spanish and I look like a Pilgram and speak beginner Spanish. So attempting to put 5000 pesos of minutes on our cell phone turned into quite the challenge at the corner market. It did end well with a whole lot of Spanish being spoken around us, but the effort strangers put in to aid in our obvious distress...well, there's something to be said for that.

We also had the pleasure of having 2 contacts down there - without the added benefit of knowing someone, I believe the trip may have been harder. Kent and I were staying in the historical district the entire time (La Candaleria). At night, this is not the nicest place to be (stay in Zona Rosa) - but our new friends came from their part of town to go out with us and even took us out to see Garavita.

As a person who's travelled to a few places over the years, I know what it's like to hit a new country (or continent) and wish you knew just a few things prior to going. So, before entering Colombia (Bogota, specifically), please know:
1. Never, under any circumstance, order a soup called me
2. If you can, bring salad dressing. They seldom have salad, but if they do, it's dry.
3. Aguarcaliente (sounds like aguariente) takes like Sambuca, tastes like Uso - it is tradition, however, so you may as well enjoy - even if you don't like the taste of black liquorice.
4. Go to all the major attractions (Salt Cathedral, Monseratte, Gold Muesum) on the weekdays. They're much less crowded and you get more time to walk around.
5. A guided tour of Bogota is a great way to see things - try to get Claudia through Diversitours. She may drive extremely crazy, but she is very knowledgeable and extremely helpful.
6. Speaking of crazy driving, I thought New York/Seattle was bad. The congestion is sickening, the roads have huge pot holes (or has eroded away on a slant!), and people go in and out of traffic like the lines don't exist. Plus, the honking.....ugh. Please note, we were told by our Colombian friend's that drivers in India are worse.
7. If you can do more of the country - do it. Bogota would have been good for 3 days, with 2 days in a B&B outside the city and then off to the coast for 3 days. We had a wonderful time and plan to go back - but with much more of the country in mind.

Take Care,

A Drunk Experience of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (a review)

Preface: This post is extremely biased. And long. I have never read "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" nor do I  desire to do so. T...